The Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Counsellor will provide intensive case management support to clients, with a flexible responsive approach; to achieve the best outcome for clients.
Organisational Profile
GEGAC is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation based in Bairnsdale Victoria. Consisting of about 160 staff, GEGAC is a Not-for-Profit organisation that delivers holistic services in the areas of Primary Health, Social Services, Elders & Disability and Early Childhood Education.
GEGAC advocates for the self-determination of the Aboriginal community by prioritising services that enhance social, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing, with culture at the heart of everything we do.
Position Purpose
To provide client centered care, to Aboriginal & Torres Islander clients with identified mental health and alcohol and other drug issues. The aim of this position is to address the needs of clients/community in a timely and straight forward manner, regardless of whether the primary area of concern is mental health or substance use. This support will include assessment, counselling, health promotion, client education, warm referrals, and development & maintenance of community linkages.
The AOD Counsellor will provide intensive case management support to clients, with a flexible responsive approach; to achieve the best outcomes for clients. This support will include warm referrals and collaborative care with other support providers. The outcomes will include but not be limited to improved mental health and, or decreased harm from alcohol other drugs.
As the clinician you will be responsible for a range of clinical services, including but not limited to, intake, assessments, therapeutic intervention, treatment coordination, care planning, case management, group work, and discharge planning.
Key Selection Criteria
· Demonstrated suitable clinical skills with some expertise of integrated care and treatment.
· Experienced in providing MH and/or AOD interventions and short term or brief interventions or treatment.
· A team oriented person with some experience in working with complex needs.
· Demonstrated ability to communicate at a high level of clarity and purpose.
· Understanding of current mental health and alcohol and other drug system and local service providers.
· Demonstrated experience in a range of counselling and support approaches, brief interventions, and other strategies suitable for use with individuals impacted by alcohol and drug use.
· Demonstrated ability to engage and form therapeutic relationships with client from diverse backgrounds in a variety of settings, in particular working within an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation.
· Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with other agencies in co-ordinating service delivery, providing direct care of clients, and in advocating with and on behalf of clients and their families.
· Demonstrated skills and experience in conducting AOD assessments, and in the development of Treatment/Care Plans in collaboration with client and families.
· Demonstrated understanding of consumer-directed and/or client-centred models of care, and a commitment to working within a social model of health and wellbeing.
· Understanding the principles of harm minimisation.
Qualifications and Registrations Requirement (Essential or Desirable).
· Driver licence. ESSENTIAL
· Minimum Diploma in Alcohol Other Drugs or equivalent ESSENTIAL
· A satisfactory Working with Children Check and Fit2Work Police Check ESSENTIAL
· A person of Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander backgroundDESIRABLE
· Proof of COVID-19 vaccinated to align with GEGAC requirements ESSENTIAL
How to apply for this job
Click here to view the Position Description
A copy of the position description can also be obtained at GEGAC reception 03 5150 0700 or by emailing
Applicants must address the key selection criteria for shortlisting. Any applications that have not addressed the key selection criteria will not be considered during the shortlisting process.
Applications can also be emailed to
Or posted to:
Human Resources
Gippsland & East Gippsland Aboriginal Co-operative
PO Box 634
Bairnsdale Vic 3875
Applications close 5pm Sunday 16 March 2025
No late applications will be considered (unless under exceptional circumstances).
A valid Working with Children Check and Police check is mandatory to work in this organisation.
"this advertisement is pursuant to the 'special measures' provision at section 8 of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)".